Binna Burra Foundation was established by community members in 2020 to provide a not-for-profit basis to:

  • To advance the natural environment by facilitating educational, scientific, cultural and heritage programs relating to Woonoongoora (Lamington National Park) (the park) and its surrounds, inclusive of the Binna Burra Cultural Landscape listed on the Queensland Heritage Register.
  • To support land conservation and rehabilitation programs which protect and enhance the natural environment of the park, the Binna Burra Cultural Landscape and their surrounds.
  • To support initiatives to share and celebrate the history and culture of the Yugambeh nation, the traditional custodians of the park and surrounding lands.
  • To promote awareness of Australia’s commitment to the UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, particularly in relation to the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia.
  • To train the membership and educate the public about the abovementioned objects.
  • To complete and undertake all other such activities that may be required and do all such acts incidental and conducive to the furtherance of the above charitable objects.
  • The Foundation will raise funds to promote the purposes outlined and will work with other similar organisations to achieve these goals. The Foundation is committed to achieving Charitable status.
Newsletter #2 August 2024 · Read more
Deductible Gift Recipient Status approved
07 Aug 2024
Last week the ATO has approved the Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status for the Binna Burra Foundation. This is a major step for the Foundation. Now, the Foundation will set up a gift Fund and as soon as that is done, donations to the Foundation over $2.00 will be tax deductible for the donor. We will keep you informed about the progress.
Charity application approved
25 Mar 2024
The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) has recently approved our application for Charity status. The foundation has been registered as a charity from the starting date of 1 January 2024. Now, we are awaiting the reply from the ATO about our application to be endorsed for Deductible Gift Recipients (DGR) status. Once this is in place, the Binna Burra Foundation will be entitled to receive donations which are deductible from the donor's income tax.
Working Bee Friends of Binna Burra (FoBBs)
Sat 16 Nov 2024 09:00 — 09:00
Binna Burra
