Rules for Membership


The full text of the Rules is within the Constitution which can be downloaded from the website – Become a member – Terms – document is located there for download.

In summary:

  • When becoming a member, you agree to the following important terms:
  • Members must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Your request for membership will be subject to the Board approval. You will be notified of the Board’s decision.
  • The dispute resolution guidelines are contained within Article IV of the Constitution.
  • You will stay financial by paying an annual $20 per person membership fee. This fee may be increased but the Board will provide at least three months’ notice for renewing members.
  • The Foundation will retain personal information including your name, address, email, mobile telephone number and date of birth. The Foundation will not release any personal information about you other than required by law and the Foundation commits to informing you if such information is requested.
  • By applying for membership, you agree to support the purposes of the Foundation. The objectives are listed on the front of the home page of the website.

